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LIGO Scientific Collaboration astrophysical (including gravitational wave detection) publications for which group members are co-authors can be found here
- K. Haughian, P. G. Murray, S. Hill, J. Hough, G. Lacaille, I. W. Martin, S. Rowan, S. Tait, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, S. Khadaka, A. Markosyan, Temperature Dependence of the Mechanical Dissipation of Gallium Bonds for Use in Gravitational Wave Detectors, Physical Review Letters 132 231401 (2024)
- M. Molina-Ruiz, K. Shukla, A. Ananyeva, G. Vajente, M. R. Abernathy, T. H. Metcalf, X. Liu, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, M. Fazio, L. Yang, C. S. Menoni, and F. Hellman, Low mechanical loss and high refractive index in amorphous Ta2O5 films grown by magnetron sputtering, Physical Review Materials 8 035603 (2024)
- M. Kim, P. Kim, R. Bassiri, K. Prasai, M. M. Fejer, K.-h. Lee, ePDFpy: A Python-based interactive GUI tool for electron pair distribution function analysis of amorphous materials, Computer Physics Communications 299 109137 (2024)
- K. Prasai, K. Lee, B. Baloukas, H-P. Cheng, M. Fazio, L. Martinu, A. Mehta, C. S. Menoni, F. Schiettekatte, R. Shink, B. Shyam, G. Vajente, M. M. Fejer, and R. Bassiri, Effects of elevated-temperature deposition on the atomic structure of amorphous Ta2O5 films, APL Materials 11 121112 (2023)
- M. Molina-Ruiz, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, M. Abernathy, T. H. Metcalf, X. Liu, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, and F. Hellman, Hydrogen-Induced Ultralow Optical Absorption and Mechanical Loss in Amorphous Silicon for Gravitational-Wave Detectors, Physical Review Letters 131 256902 (2023)
- S. Khadka, A. Markosyan, K. Prasai, A. Dana, L. Yang, S. C. Tait, I. W. Martin, C. S. Menoni, M. M. Fejer, and R. Bassiri, Cryogenic mechanical loss of amorphous germania and titania-doped germania thin films, Classical and Quantum Gravity 40 205002 (2023)
- K. Prasai, R. Bassiri, H-P. Cheng, and M. M. Fejer, Glass transition temperatures of binary oxides from ab initio simulations, APL Materials 11 081113 (2023)
- A. Mishkin, J. Jiang, R. Zhang, H-P. Cheng, K. Prasai, R. Bassiri, and M. M. Fejer, Hidden structure in the medium-range order of amorphous zirconia-tantala films, Physical Review B 108 054103 (2023)
- J. Jiang, X. Li, A. S. Mishkin, R. Zhang, R. Bassiri, J. N. Fry, M. M. Fejer, and H-P. Cheng, Amorphous Zirconia-doped Tantala modeling and simulations using explicit multi-element spectral neighbor analysis machine learning potentials (EME-SNAP), Physical Review Materials 7 045602 (2023)
- R. Thapa, K. Prasai, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, and D. A. Drabold, Realistic computer models of amorphous ZrO2:Ta2O5: Structural, optical, and vibrational properties, Physical Review B 105 224207 (2022)
- M. Abernathy, A. Amato, A. Ananyeva, S. Angelova, Bill Baloukas, R. Bassiri, G. Billingsley et al., Exploration of co-sputtered Ta2O5–ZrO2 thin films for gravitational-wave detectors, Classical and Quantum Gravity 38 195021 (2021).
- G. Vajente, L. Yang, M. Fazio, A. Ananyeva, L. Zhang, G. Billingsley, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, and C. S. Menoni, Reduced room temperature thermal noise in titania-doped germania coatings for gravitational wave detectors, Physical Review Letters 127 071101 (2021).
- É. Lalande, A. W. Lussier, C. Lévesque, M. Ward, B. Baloukas, L. Martinu, G. Vajente, G. Billingsley, A. Ananyeva, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, and F. Schiettekatte, Zirconia-titania-doped tantala thin-film coatings for low mechanical loss Bragg mirrors, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 39, 043416 (2021).
- J. Jiang, A. S. Mishkin, K. Prasai, R. Zhang, M. Yazback, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer and H-P. Cheng, Analysis of two-level systems and mechanical loss in amorphous ZrO2-doped Ta2O5 by non-cage-breaking and cage-breaking transitions, The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 174502 (2021).
- K. Prasai, R. Bassiri, H. P. Cheng, M. M. Fejer, Annealing-induced changes in the atomic structure of amorphous silica, germania and tantala using accelerated molecular dynamics, Phys. Status Solidi B 2000519 (2021).
- R. B. Cummings, R. Bassiri, I. W. Martin and I. MacLaren, Argon bubble formation in tantalum oxide-based films for gravitational wave interferometer mirrors, Optical Materials Express 11 707-718 (2021).
- L. Yang, M. Fazio, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, G. Billingsley, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer and C. S. Menoni, Structural Evolution that Affects the Room-Temperature Internal Friction of Binary Oxide Nanolaminates: Implications for Ultrastable Optical Cavities, Applied Nano Materials 3 12308-12313 (2020).
- L. Terkowski, I. W Martin, D. Axmann, M. Behrendsen, F. Pein, A. Bell, R. Schnabel, R. Bassiri, M. M Fejer, J. Hough, A. Markosyan, S. Rowan, J. Steinlechner, Influence of deposition parameters on the optical absorption of amorphous silicon thin films, Physical Review Research 2 033308 (2020).
- M. A. Fazio, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, and C. S. Menoni, Structure and morphology of low mechanical loss TiO2-doped Ta2O5, Optical Materials Express 10 1687-1703 (2020).
- L. Yang, E. Randel, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, E. Gustafson, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, C. S. Menoni, Modifications of ion beam sputtered tantala thin films by secondary argon and oxygen bombardment, Applied Optics 59 A150-A154 (2020).
- M. Fazio, L. Yang, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, Growth and characterization of Sc2O3 doped Ta2O5 thin films, Applied Optics 59 A106-A111 (2020).
- L. Yang, E. Randel, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, E. Gustafson, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, C. S. Menoni, Investigation of effects of assisted ion bombardment on mechanical loss of sputtered tantala thin films for gravitational wave interferometers, Physical Review D 100 122004 (2019).
- K. Prasai, J. Jiang, A. Mishkin, B. Shyam, S. Angelova, R. Birney, D. A. Drabold, M. Fazio, E. K. Gustafson, G. Harry, S. Hoback, J. Hough, C. Lévesque, I. MacLaren, A. Markosyan, I. W. Martin, C. S. Menoni, P. G. Murray, S. Penn, S. Reid, R. Robie, S. Rowan, F. Schiettekatte, R. Shink, A. Turner, G. Vajente, H. P. Cheng, M. M. Fejer, A. Mehta and R. Bassiri, High precision detection of change in intermediate range order of amorphous zirconia-doped tantala thin films due to annealing, Physical Review Letters 123 045591 (2019).
- M. Abernathy, G. Harry, J. Newport, H. Fair, M. Kinley-Hanlon, S. Hickey, I. Jiffar, A. Gretarsson, S. Penn, R. Bassiri, E. Gustafson, I. Martin, S. Rowan, J. Hough, Bulk and shear mechanical loss of titania-doped tantala, Physics Letters A 382 2282-2288 (2018).
- G. Vajente, R Birney, A. Ananyeva, S. Angelova, R. Asselin, B. Baloukas, R. Bassiri, G. Billingsley, M. M. Fejer, D. Gibson, L. Godbout, E. Gustafson, A. Heptonstall, J. Hough, S. MacFoy, A. Markosyan, I. W. Martin, L. Martinu, P. Murray, S. Penn, S. Roorda, S. Rowan, F. Schiettekatte, R. Shink, C. Torrie, D. Vine, S. Reid, R. X. Adhikari, Effect of elevated substrate temperature deposition on the mechanical losses in tantala thin film coatings, Classical and Quantum Gravity 35 075001 (2018).
- P. G. Murray, I. W. Martin, K. Craig, J. Hough, S. Rowan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, J. Harris, B. T. Lantz, A. C. Lin, A. S. Markosyan, R. K. Route, Cryogenic mechanical loss of a single-crystalline GaP coating layer for precision measurement applications, Physical Review D 95 042004 (2017).
- B. Shyam, K. Stone, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, M. F. Toney, A. Mehta, Measurement and modeling of medium-range order in amorphous Ta2O5, Scientific Reports 6 32170 (2016).
- R. Bassiri, M. R. Abernathy, F. Liou, A. Mehta, E. K. Gustafson, M. Hart, H. N. Isa, N. Kim, A. C. Lin, I. MacLaren, I. W. Martin, R. K. Route, S. Rowan, B. Shyam, J. F. Stebbins, M. M. Fejer, Order, disorder and mixing: The atomic structure of amorphousmixtures of titania and tantala, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 438 59-66 (2016).
- J. Steinlechner, I. W. Martin, R. Bassiri, A. Bell, M. M Fejer, J. Hough, A. Markosyan, R. K. Route, S. Rowan, Z. Tornasi, Optical absorption of ion-beam sputtered amorphous silicon coatings, Physical Review D 93 062005 (2016).
- M. J. Hart, R. Bassiri, K. B. Borisenko, M. Véron, E. F Rauch, I. W. Martin, S. Rowan, M. M. Fejer, I. MacLaren, Medium rangestructural order in amorphous tantala spatially resolved with changes to atomic structure by thermal annealing, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 438 10-17 (2016).
- R. Bassiri, C. Clark, I. W. Martin, A. Markosyan, P. G. Murray, J. Tessmer, S. Rowan, M. M. Fejer, Investigating the relationship between material properties and laser-induced damage threshold of dielectric optical coatings at 1064 nm, Proceedings of SPIE 9632, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2015, 963204 (2015).
- N. Kim, R. Bassiri, Martin M. Fejer, Jonathan F. Stebbins, Structure of amorphous silica-hafnia and silica-zirconia thin-film materials: The role of a metastable equilibrium state in non-glass- forming oxide systems, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 429 5-12 (2015).
- A. C. Lin, R. Bassiri, S. Omar, A. S. Markosyan, B. Lantz, R. Route, R. L. Byer, J. S. Harris and M. M. Fejer, Epitaxial growth of GaP/AlGaP mirrors on Si for low thermal noise optical coatings, Optical Materials Express 5 1890-1897 (2015).
- R. Bassiri, F. Liou, M. R. Abernathy, A.C. Lin, N. Kim, A. Mehta, B. Shyam, R. L. Byer, E. K. Gustafson, M. Hart, I. MacLaren, I.W. Martin, R. K. Route, S Rowan, J.F. Stebbins and M.M. Fejer, Order within disorder: The atomic structure of ion-beam sputtered amorphous tantala (a-Ta2O5), APL Materials 3 036103 (2015).
- A. V. Cumming, K. Craig, I. W. Martin, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, J. S. Harris, K. Haughian, D. Heinert, B. Lantz, A. C. Lin, A. S. Markosyan, R. Nawrodt, R. Route, S. Rowan, Measurement of the mechanical loss of prototype GaP/AlGaP crystalline coatings for future gravitational wave detectors, Classical and Quantum Gravity 32 035002 (2015).
- N. Kim, R. Bassiri, M. M Fejer, J. F Stebbins, The structure of ion beam sputtered amorphous alumina films and effects of Zn doping: High-resolution 27Al NMR, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 405 1-6 (2014).
- I.W. Martin, R. Nawrodt, K. Craig, C. Schwarz, R. Bassiri, G. Harry, J. Hough, S. Penn, S. Reid, R. Robie and S. Rowan, Low temperature mechanical dissipation of an ion-beam sputtered silica film, Classical and Quantum Gravity 31 035019 (2014).
- R. Nawrodt, C. Schwarz, S. Kroker, I.W. Martin, R. Bassiri, F. Brückner, L. Cunningham, G.D. Hammond, D. Heinert, J. Hough, T. Käsebier, E-B Kley, R. Neubert, S. Reid, S. Rowan, P. Seidel and A. Tünnermann, Investigation of mechanical losses of thinsilicon flexures at low temperatures, Classical and Quantum Gravity 30 115008 (2013).
- R. Bassiri, K. Evans, K.B. Borisenko, M.M. Fejer, J. Hough, I. MacLaren, I.W. Martin, R.K. Route and S. Rowan, Correlations between the mechanical loss and atomic structure of amorphous TiO2-doped Ta2O5 coatings, Acta Materialia 61 1070-1077 (2013).
Detector characterization:
- B. K. Berger, K., J. S. Areeda, J. D. Barker, A. Effler, E. Goetz, A. F. Helmling-Cornell, B. Lantz et al., Searching for the causes of anomalous Advanced LIGO noise, Applied Physics Letters 122 184101 (2023).
- D. Davis et al., LIGO detector characterization in the second and third observing runs, Classical and Quantum Gravity 38 135014 (2021).
Seismic isolation:
- E. Bonilla, J. Salone, B. Lantz, A. Galper, and F. Stults, Improving the cooldown times for next-generation cryocooled gravitational-wave interferometers, Applied Physics Letters 122 114102 (2023).
- E. Bonilla, B. Shapiro, B. Lantz, O.D. Aguiar, M. Constancio, Noise requirements of the cryogenic shielding for next generation cryocooled gravitational wave observatories: Newtonian noise, Physical Review D 104 122005 (2021).
- E. Hofgard, E. Bonilla Carrasquel, B. Lantz, Wind Proofing LIGO, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63 (2018).
- E. Bonilla, P. Giuliani, B. Lantz, A. Buikema, Method for electromechanical modeling of Johnson noise in Advanced LIGO, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38 025014 (2020).
- B. Shapiro, R.X. Adhikari, O. Aguiar, E. Bonilla, D. Fan, L. Gan, I. Gomez et al., Cryogenically cooled ultra low vibration silicon mirrors for gravitational wave observatories, Cryogenics 81 83-92 (2017).