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LIGO Scientific Collaboration astrophysical (including gravitational wave detection) publications for which group members are co-authors can be found here


  1. K. Haughian, P. G. Murray, S. Hill, J. Hough, G. Lacaille, I. W. Martin, S. Rowan, S. Tait, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, S. Khadaka, A. Markosyan, Temperature Dependence of the Mechanical Dissipation of Gallium Bonds for Use in Gravitational Wave Detectors, Physical Review Letters 132 231401 (2024)
  2. M. Molina-Ruiz, K. Shukla, A. Ananyeva, G. Vajente, M. R. Abernathy, T. H. Metcalf, X. Liu, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, M. Fazio, L. Yang, C. S. Menoni, and F. Hellman, Low mechanical loss and high refractive index in amorphous Ta2O5 films grown by magnetron sputtering, Physical Review Materials 8 035603 (2024)
  3. M. Kim, P. Kim, R. Bassiri, K. Prasai, M. M. Fejer, K.-h. Lee, ePDFpy: A Python-based interactive GUI tool for electron pair distribution function analysis of amorphous materials, Computer Physics Communications 299 109137 (2024)
  4. K. Prasai, K. Lee, B. Baloukas, H-P. Cheng, M. Fazio, L. Martinu, A. Mehta, C. S. Menoni, F. Schiettekatte, R. Shink, B. Shyam, G. Vajente, M. M. Fejer, and R. Bassiri, Effects of elevated-temperature deposition on the atomic structure of amorphous Ta2O5 films, APL Materials 11 121112 (2023) 
  5. M. Molina-Ruiz, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, M. Abernathy, T. H. Metcalf, X. Liu, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, and F. Hellman, Hydrogen-Induced Ultralow Optical Absorption and Mechanical Loss in Amorphous Silicon for Gravitational-Wave Detectors, Physical Review Letters 131 256902 (2023)
  6. S. Khadka, A. Markosyan, K. Prasai, A. Dana, L. Yang, S. C. Tait, I. W. Martin, C. S. Menoni, M. M. Fejer, and R. Bassiri, Cryogenic mechanical loss of amorphous germania and titania-doped germania thin films, Classical and Quantum Gravity 40 205002 (2023)
  7. K. Prasai, R. Bassiri, H-P. Cheng, and M. M. Fejer, Glass transition temperatures of binary oxides from ab initio simulations, APL Materials 11 081113 (2023)
  8. A. Mishkin, J. Jiang, R. Zhang, H-P. Cheng, K. Prasai, R. Bassiri, and M. M. Fejer, Hidden structure in the medium-range order of amorphous zirconia-tantala films, Physical Review B 108 054103 (2023)
  9. J. Jiang, X. Li, A. S. Mishkin, R. Zhang, R. Bassiri, J. N. Fry, M. M. Fejer, and H-P. Cheng, Amorphous Zirconia-doped Tantala modeling and simulations using explicit multi-element spectral neighbor analysis machine learning potentials (EME-SNAP), Physical Review Materials 7 045602 (2023)
  10. R. Thapa, K. Prasai, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, and D. A. Drabold, Realistic computer models of amorphous ZrO2:Ta2O5: Structural, optical, and vibrational properties, Physical Review B 105 224207 (2022)
  11. M. Abernathy, A. Amato, A. Ananyeva, S. Angelova, Bill Baloukas, R. Bassiri, G. Billingsley et al., Exploration of co-sputtered Ta2O5–ZrO2 thin films for gravitational-wave detectors, Classical and Quantum Gravity 38 195021 (2021).
  12. G. Vajente, L. Yang, M. Fazio, A. Ananyeva, L. Zhang, G. Billingsley,  A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, M. Chicoine, F. Schiettekatte, and C. S. Menoni, Reduced room temperature thermal noise in titania-doped germania coatings for gravitational wave detectors, Physical Review Letters 127 071101 (2021).
  13. É. Lalande, A. W. Lussier, C. Lévesque, M. Ward, B. Baloukas, L. Martinu, G. Vajente, G. Billingsley, A. Ananyeva, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, and F. Schiettekatte, Zirconia-titania-doped tantala thin-film coatings for low mechanical loss Bragg mirrors, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 39, 043416 (2021).
  14. J. Jiang, A. S. Mishkin, K. Prasai, R. Zhang, M. Yazback, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer and H-P. Cheng, Analysis of two-level systems and mechanical loss in amorphous ZrO2-doped Ta2O5 by non-cage-breaking and cage-breaking transitions, The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 174502 (2021).
  15. K. Prasai, R. Bassiri, H. P. Cheng, M. M. Fejer, Annealing-induced changes in the atomic structure of amorphous silica, germania and tantala using accelerated molecular dynamics, Phys. Status Solidi B 2000519 (2021).
  16. R. B. Cummings, R. Bassiri, I. W. Martin and I. MacLaren, Argon bubble formation in tantalum oxide-based films for gravitational wave interferometer mirrors, Optical Materials Express 11 707-718 (2021).
  17. L. Yang, M. Fazio, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, G. Billingsley, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer and C. S. Menoni, Structural Evolution that Affects the Room-Temperature Internal Friction of Binary Oxide Nanolaminates: Implications for Ultrastable Optical Cavities, Applied Nano Materials 3 12308-12313 (2020).
  18. L. Terkowski, I. W Martin, D. Axmann, M. Behrendsen, F. Pein, A. Bell, R. Schnabel, R. Bassiri, M. M Fejer, J. Hough, A. Markosyan, S. Rowan, J. Steinlechner, Influence of deposition parameters on the optical absorption of amorphous silicon thin films, Physical Review Research 2 033308 (2020).
  19. M. A. Fazio, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, and C. S. Menoni, Structure and morphology of low mechanical loss TiO2-doped Ta2O5, Optical Materials Express 10 1687-1703 (2020).
  20. L. Yang, E. Randel, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, E. Gustafson, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, C. S. Menoni, Modifications of ion beam sputtered tantala thin films by secondary argon and oxygen bombardment, Applied Optics 59 A150-A154 (2020).
  21. M. Fazio, L. Yang, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, Growth and characterization of Sc­2O3 doped Ta2O5 thin films, Applied Optics 59 A106-A111 (2020).
  22. L. Yang, E. Randel, G. Vajente, A. Ananyeva, E. Gustafson, A. Markosyan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, C. S. Menoni, Investigation of effects of assisted ion bombardment on mechanical loss of sputtered tantala thin films for gravitational wave interferometers, Physical Review D 100 122004 (2019).
  23. K. Prasai, J. Jiang, A. Mishkin, B. Shyam, S. Angelova, R. Birney, D. A. Drabold, M. Fazio, E. K. Gustafson, G. Harry, S. Hoback, J. Hough, C. Lévesque, I. MacLaren, A. Markosyan, I. W. Martin, C. S. Menoni, P. G. Murray, S. Penn, S. Reid, R. Robie, S. Rowan, F. Schiettekatte, R. Shink, A. Turner, G. Vajente, H. P. Cheng, M. M. Fejer, A. Mehta and R. Bassiri, High precision detection of change in intermediate range order of amorphous zirconia-doped tantala thin films due to annealing, Physical Review Letters 123 045591 (2019).
  24. M. Abernathy, G. Harry, J. Newport, H. Fair, M. Kinley-Hanlon, S. Hickey, I. Jiffar, A. Gretarsson, S. Penn, R. Bassiri, E. Gustafson, I. Martin, S. Rowan, J. Hough, Bulk and shear mechanical loss of titania-doped tantala, Physics Letters A 382 2282-2288 (2018).
  25. G. Vajente, R Birney, A. Ananyeva, S. Angelova, R. Asselin, B. Baloukas, R. Bassiri,  G. Billingsley, M. M. Fejer, D. Gibson, L. Godbout, E. Gustafson, A. Heptonstall, J. Hough, S. MacFoy, A. Markosyan, I. W. Martin, L. Martinu, P. Murray, S. Penn, S. Roorda, S. Rowan, F. Schiettekatte, R. Shink, C. Torrie, D. Vine, S. Reid, R. X. Adhikari, Effect of elevated substrate temperature deposition on the mechanical losses in tantala thin film coatings, Classical and Quantum Gravity 35 075001 (2018).
  26. P. G. Murray, I. W. Martin, K. Craig, J. Hough, S. Rowan, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, J. Harris, B. T. Lantz, A. C. Lin, A. S. Markosyan, R. K. Route, Cryogenic mechanical loss of a single-crystalline GaP coating layer for precision measurement applications, Physical Review D 95 042004 (2017).
  27. B. Shyam, K. Stone, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, M. F. Toney, A. Mehta, Measurement and modeling of medium-range order in amorphous Ta2O5, Scientific Reports 6 32170 (2016).
  28. R. Bassiri, M. R. Abernathy, F. Liou, A. Mehta, E. K. Gustafson, M. Hart, H. N. Isa, N. Kim, A. C. Lin, I. MacLaren, I. W. Martin, R. K. Route, S. Rowan, B. Shyam, J. F. Stebbins, M. M. Fejer, Order, disorder and mixing: The atomic structure of amorphousmixtures of titania and tantala, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 438 59-66 (2016).
  29. J. Steinlechner, I. W. Martin, R. Bassiri, A. Bell, M. M Fejer, J. Hough, A. Markosyan, R. K. Route, S. Rowan, Z. Tornasi, Optical absorption of ion-beam sputtered amorphous silicon coatings, Physical Review D 93 062005 (2016).
  30. M. J. Hart, R. Bassiri, K. B. Borisenko, M. Véron, E. F Rauch, I. W. Martin, S. Rowan, M. M. Fejer, I. MacLaren, Medium rangestructural order in amorphous tantala spatially resolved with changes to atomic structure by thermal annealing, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 438 10-17 (2016).
  31. R. Bassiri, C. Clark, I. W. Martin, A. Markosyan, P. G. Murray, J. Tessmer, S. Rowan, M. M. Fejer, Investigating the relationship between material properties and laser-induced damage threshold of dielectric optical coatings at 1064 nm, Proceedings of SPIE 9632, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2015, 963204 (2015).
  32. N. Kim, R. Bassiri, Martin M. Fejer, Jonathan F. Stebbins, Structure of amorphous silica-hafnia and silica-zirconia thin-film materials: The role of a metastable equilibrium state in non-glass- forming oxide systems, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 429 5-12 (2015).
  33. A. C. Lin, R. Bassiri, S. Omar, A. S. Markosyan, B. Lantz, R. Route, R. L. Byer, J. S. Harris and M. M. Fejer, Epitaxial growth of GaP/AlGaP mirrors on Si for low thermal noise optical coatings, Optical Materials Express 5 1890-1897 (2015).
  34. R. Bassiri, F. Liou, M. R. Abernathy, A.C. Lin, N. Kim, A. Mehta, B. Shyam, R. L. Byer, E. K. Gustafson, M. Hart, I. MacLaren, I.W. Martin, R. K. Route, S Rowan, J.F. Stebbins and M.M. Fejer, Order within disorder: The atomic structure of ion-beam sputtered amorphous tantala (a-Ta2O5), APL Materials 3 036103 (2015).
  35. A. V. Cumming, K. Craig, I. W. Martin, R. Bassiri, M. M. Fejer, J. S. Harris, K. Haughian, D. Heinert, B. Lantz, A. C. Lin, A. S. Markosyan, R. Nawrodt, R. Route, S. Rowan, Measurement of the mechanical loss of prototype GaP/AlGaP crystalline coatings for future gravitational wave detectors, Classical and Quantum Gravity 32 035002 (2015).
  36. N. Kim, R. Bassiri, M. M Fejer, J. F Stebbins, The structure of ion beam sputtered amorphous alumina films and effects of Zn doping: High-resolution 27Al NMR, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 405 1-6 (2014).
  37. I.W. Martin, R. Nawrodt, K. Craig, C. Schwarz, R. Bassiri, G. Harry, J. Hough, S. Penn, S. Reid, R. Robie and S. Rowan, Low temperature mechanical dissipation of an ion-beam sputtered silica film, Classical and Quantum Gravity 31 035019 (2014).
  38. R. Nawrodt, C. Schwarz, S. Kroker, I.W. Martin, R. Bassiri, F. Brückner, L. Cunningham, G.D. Hammond, D. Heinert, J. Hough, T. Käsebier, E-B Kley, R. Neubert, S. Reid, S. Rowan, P. Seidel and A. Tünnermann, Investigation of mechanical losses of thinsilicon flexures at low temperatures, Classical and Quantum Gravity 30 115008 (2013).
  39. R. Bassiri, K. Evans, K.B. Borisenko, M.M. Fejer, J. Hough, I. MacLaren, I.W. Martin, R.K. Route and S. Rowan, Correlations between the mechanical loss and atomic structure of amorphous TiO2-doped Ta2O5 coatings, Acta Materialia 61 1070-1077 (2013).

Detector characterization:

  1. B. K. Berger, K., J. S. Areeda, J. D. Barker, A. Effler, E. Goetz, A. F. Helmling-Cornell, B. Lantz et al., Searching for the causes of anomalous Advanced LIGO noise, Applied Physics Letters 122 184101 (2023).
  2. D. Davis et al., LIGO detector characterization in the second and third observing runs, Classical and Quantum Gravity 38 135014 (2021).

Seismic isolation:

  1. E. Bonilla, J. Salone, B. Lantz, A. Galper, and F. Stults, Improving the cooldown times for next-generation cryocooled gravitational-wave interferometers, Applied Physics Letters 122 114102 (2023).
  2. E. Bonilla, B. Shapiro, B. Lantz, O.D. Aguiar, M. Constancio, Noise requirements of the cryogenic shielding for next generation cryocooled gravitational wave observatories: Newtonian noise, Physical Review D 104 122005 (2021).
  3. E. Hofgard, E. Bonilla Carrasquel, B. Lantz, Wind Proofing LIGO, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63 (2018).
  4. E. Bonilla, P. Giuliani, B. Lantz, A. Buikema, Method for electromechanical modeling of Johnson noise in Advanced LIGO, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38 025014 (2020).
  5. B. Shapiro, R.X. Adhikari, O. Aguiar, E. Bonilla, D. Fan, L. Gan, I. Gomez et al., Cryogenically cooled ultra low vibration silicon mirrors for gravitational wave observatories, Cryogenics 81 83-92 (2017).